I am not a morning person.
I never have been and I never will.
I remember working with a lady once who told me she was exactly like me until her first child was born and since that day, she’s been a morning person.
That is not me.
If you’re like me, then my suggestion to you is to do as much as you can the night before.
I choose clothes, pack my lunch, pack my handbag, put the kids’ food and bottles all ready, get any notes or reminders and put them next to my handbag.
All of that helps me so that once I’m up, I can function on auto-pilot, just well enough to get myself ready and get out the door.
Now, if you are a morning person, then my suggestion is slightly different.
Do what you can the night before, as much as you feel comfortable doing.
Get up earlier than the rest of the family so that you’re in control of the day and it doesn’t “happen” to you.
My husband is a morning person and wakes up two hours before he has to leave for work.
He hates rushing through his morning routine and it works for him.
Me? 30 minutes and I’m ready plus any time playing with babies before I’m out the door.
Are you a morning person or a night owl?

I’m definitely a morning person (I can’t count how many times I fell asleep at a friend’s house after dinner! LOL) and, like your hubby, I like to take my time. Still possible now that we don’t have kids, I don’t know how I’ll do when we finally become parents!
I am such a night owl!!!!!!!!!! I love that my hubbie helps to make lunches in the morning for me and my daughter it really helps. When I have to it throws everything off kilter. I told him to warn me and I will start making them the night before.
The thing I would love to do is start picking out my clothes the only problem the few times I have is that I dont feel like wearing what I picked out the night before for that day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am working on it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m more a morning person, I get up at least an hour and a half before I need to leave the house, and wander through the morning routine. If I am forced to rush, it takes me all day to calm down again!!!!
Claire, you sound just like my hubby!
Chloe, you just adapt because you have to with kids. My preference is still to sleep til 10 am though…:)
Diane, it sounds like you need to go through and get rid of the things you don’t LOVE 🙂 That’s constantly on my to-do list and I’m not there yet but I am a good way closer than I ever was. Yay – a fellow night owl!
I have 3 rules that I live by that make my life simpler, and for that, so much better !
1. Live and learn – I don’t beat myself up about my mistakes or what I don’t know or should know … I just live my life and learn from it
2. Laugh – no need getting hung up on stress, bad situations or the time that seems to be slipping by unnoticed – stop and have a laugh (my answer to smelling the roses). And I am the first to admit that I’m not one to laugh on cue or have a big, hearty belly chuckle … even if it’s just a smile that spreads across my face and warms my body, well that’s me laughing, silently. There’s no point crying over it!
3. Invest in quality – whether it’s a new pair of shoes, a friend, a life-long partner, a book to read in your down time or food, whatever it is, make it a quality investment and savour every minute of it.