Baby steps

I fell down the stairs at work last year when I was 16 weeks pregnant and since then, I’ve been taking the lift/ elevator.

That was 19 months ago.

Somehow I got in the habit of taking the lift and didn’t think anything of it.

During the last week of September, I suddenly realised there were only 3 months before the end of 2010.

Upping my exercise schedule is near impossible because of lack of babysitters so Dion and I have to take turns to go to gym at night while the babies are sleeping.

Because of this I thought “baby steps! what can I do to take advantage of every few minutes here and there?”

I decided that I’d have to exercise whenever a chance presented itself. Hopefully all the extra walking will evenutally count for an extra gym session over the course of a week.

So I’ve started climbing the stairs at work.

At least three flights up and three flights down every day.

Add to that running up and down stairs when I go to meetings and it’s all adding up, very slowly, but still, adding up.

The first couple of days were terrible. My knees protested as did my leg muscles.

Now, a month in, I’m almost to the top before I start feeling the strain.

I also want to add that I told EVERYONE how I’ve made a commitment to myself that I will only take the stairs. People are really supportive and some have even joined me in taking the stairs instead of taking the lift.

It reminds me how I tell clients to start with one small habit daily and build on that. It almost seems insignificant but it isn’t.

It’s like organising your entire home 15 minutes at a time.

It’s not about how much progress you’re making but about creating momentum.

This weekend, my question for you is this:

where can you start doing baby steps in your life? how can you start creating momentum in your life?

If you’re brave enough, I dare you to share in the comments. This could just be the accountability you need 🙂

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  1. Marcia,

    Sorry to hear you fell down the stairs. But glad to hear you are ok. Yes, with the busy lives we all lead, it can be hard to find the time to do things (such as exercise) but it is important. One thing I do when my day is packed-I put on a timer and at the end of each hour, I get up and set the timer again for 10 min and exercise. This way I get in a great workout and don’t feel I have “taken so much time” away.

    And the steps is a great workout. I did something similar to what you are doing (about 7 yrs ago when I still worked in corp world) and I lost about 10 lbs over the course of about 3-4 months.

    You can do it, just taking the baby steps.


  2. thanks, this is a great website!!! I’m in the process of re-organising EVERYTHING, so I’m working very much on the 15 minutes a day schedule. I plan on throwing out/selling at least 50% of everything in this house. And some things are really sentimental, but what’s the point, hang on to them so that you can look at them every 10-15 years? It’s time for a new beginning 🙂

  3. babysteps are definitely the best way to achieve any kind of goal, and this post is a great reminder of this! I’ve successfully organised many areas of my house and life that way. What I have more trouble with is the maintenance, though, but I’m sure it would be easier with this babysteps approach!

  4. I can start right now by spending part of this Sunday afternoon at the gym! I’ve promised myself a tan afterwards, even though I know tanning isn’t the best for you!

  5. Good for you!

    I used to take the stairs at work in maputo – I worked on the 5th floor, so it was a lot of exercise. Now I take the train and walk 8 blocks to school, carrying a very heavy bookbag and a toolbox. I love hidden exercise, as without it I think I’d be several pounds heavier and wouldn’t feel I had the time to do a proper workout.

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