Confessions of a professional organiser #3 – I’ve finally joined the 21st century

No, I have not bought an iPhone or a Blackberry (I don’t think they suit my lifestyle goals… but that’s a post for another day).

It was time for my monthly back up when I noticed that I was out of discs so I popped into my local computer store when I was out doing errands.

Is it me or are those computer guys getting younger and younger?!

I asked the guy to show me where they kept discs and while I was there, I also picked up a cute little mouse for my laptop (white with pink trim, in case you were wondering) since my old one gave up the ghost.

We got talking (as I do) and when I explained my (now) complicated back-up system, he said something quite profound.

“Why don’t you just use an external hard drive?”

I was intrigued so I asked him a million questions and there and then decided this was the way to go.

Many hundreds of rands later, I left the store, very happy with my new piece of computer equipment.

The external hard drive sat on my desk taunting me for a day or two until I decided to “just do it” and …. well…

Dear Readers, I don’t know why I didn’t get one sooner.

It told me exactly what to do and after the first backup which took about 20 minutes, the next one went so quickly I barely had time to do an office task as is my usual custom while I do my monthly or weekly backups.

So that’s my confession – I am now firmly in the 21st century. Still with a phone about 4 years old but I like it and it works for me 🙂

Do you have any confessions you want to share with me?

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  1. I tend to break things like phones and my eyeglasses much quicker than their lifeterm. I can’t believe you still have a phone from 4 years ago! That’s all. I know it is totally off topic, but I just had to mention it.

  2. Anne, I do not like phones!!!

    I have a newer one, tried it for a month, hated it and went back to my old one 🙂

  3. My confession: I don’t back up my computer. I really, really, really need to do this. In all other things I am fairly tech-literate. I’m one of those people who can’t live without a Blackberry. Maybe I’ll check into getting an external hard drive when I’m out today- thanks for bringing this to my attention!

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