I’ve been on leave from my full-time job for the last two weeks and I go back on Tuesday.
That has been all the incentive I’ve needed to get our home sorted to start our week purposefully.
Today I
- cooked a meal, enough for 8 portions (4 meals for us)
- made my weekly menu plan, both for us and for the kids, and made notes about when I have to actually cook (I don’t cook every day)
- decluttered my fridge and freezer (is it just me or is there something so satisfying about finishing bits of food, throwing away old foods and organising it all nicely?!)
- threw a load of laundry in the machine, ready to go first thing when I wake tomorrow
- tidied the kitchen and laundry
Even though everything isn’t as clean or as organised as I’d like it to be (don’t even think about peeking into my laundry), I feel calm, organised in my mind and ready to tackle the week.
We women are the home managers (in most cases) and if we’re prepared and organised, the whole tone of the home is peaceful, calm and in order – just like I like it!
How do you start your week off purposefully?

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