Do you also have 3+ months’ worth of magazines?

I honestly don’t know how I always have TONS of magazines waiting to be read.

I don’t subscribe to a single one. And I only buy the occasional one every two to three months.

A couple of months ago I gave the last of my preggy ones away (and that publisher sent a letter saying, “would you like to renew your subscription?” – clearly a form letter) but I have baby ones, Oprah and some home ones to get through.

I’ve finally figured out how to keep up to date with them.

I simply have to read them immediately.

A very novel concept for me but a couple of weekends ago I bought a magazine because of the headlines on the cover and the feeling it evoked of simplicity.

Why do you buy magazines?

I got home and went about my business (running around after the babies) but the MINUTE the babies went down for their afternoon nap, I jumped onto our bed and started reading.

As I read, I pulled out one or two pages (a recipe that looked easy enough for me to try and a page of inspiration for my Good Ideas flipfile) but actually finished the magazine in about 40 minutes.

I must admit, it does help to keep focussed when you know one baby usually only sleeps for 45 minutes.

I thought that was a fluke but I started using that same afternoon nap every weekend since then to get through a magazine.

And it’s working.

My little basket is getting smaller and I’m loving it.

When I’m done, I toss it into my recycling bag. The bag then gets collected from in front of my house every week by the recycling company.

Do you have a system to get through your magazines? What do you do with the magazines when you’re done?

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  1. I hardly ever buy magazines – I think I last bought a Living and Loving only because I wanted to read Sharon’s article. Before that I probably bought one in 2009. I find them to be dreadful waste of money because it feels like I’m paying R25plus to read something in 3o minutes. And there are all these adverts!
    My mom buys a lot of magazines. She does a cleanup every single month and she passes me the YOU magazines, only because they are the best ones for school projects. I keep them for about 4 months. Then I send them off for recycling.

  2. Hi Marcia!

    I have 3 magazine subscriptions – one is Jewelry Artist (very specific to my chosen profession, has lots of technical tips, tools, etc.), Vogue, and Real Simple.

    I keep the back issues of Jewelry Artist because they’re like reference manuals that will never become ‘out of style’. The Vogues and Real Simples I keep around for 2 months for reading purposes (they go in the loo!!!!), then put them in my collage/art school bin for cutting up. If there is an article or piece of clothing I like, I’ll clip it and paste it in a specific inspiration sketchbook. After that, they go in the recycle bin.

  3. Ali, the loo is the best place for reading 🙂

    I love the idea of your inspiration sketchbook. I have one called a Good Ideas file (it’s a 30-page flipfile)

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