15 ways I make the most of kitchen time

I have to stay in the kitchen while I cook because “out of sight, out of mind” means I burn food if I leave…

Confession – when I was pregnant I got so forgetful at one point that the food burnt a lovely black circle on my kitchen ceiling. I had to get painters in to repaint because that black circle would not come off any other way.

Anyway, moving along…

Since I hate wasting food, money and time, I try and stay in the kitchen and just make the most of my time there.

Some of the things I do include:

  1. packing my lunch for the following day
  2. putting the children’s food ready for the nanny
  3. leaving notes for the nanny or for the once-a-week cleaning lady
  4. organising a cupboard or drawer
  5. going through the recipes I keep tearing out of magazines to see if they still appeal to me
  6. packing my cereals into little containers
  7. tidying the fridge
  8. throwing out old food
  9. updating the grocery list
  10. creating our menu for the following week
  11. taking inventory of the freezer meals
  12. throwing a load of laundry on (my laundry is next to the kitchen)
  13. folding a load of dry laundry
  14. answering some emails from the laptop
  15. preparing my mug for my after-supper mug of tea 😉

How do you make the most of your kitchen time?

P.S. Don’t forget the giveaway

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  1. I usually get stuff together for lunch, I start cleaning up so that there is not so much left to do after supper, I also supervise homework – he usually sits at the kitchen table while I am cooking, I pack my Toddlers bag for school, I catch up on school admin etc.

  2. I love this! My husband says my food would turn out better if I stayed in the kitchen 🙂 Maybe I’ll try that.

  3. Quite often my kitchen time is my one-on-one time with my 5yo daughter as she lives helping me prepare meals.

    We usually pack school lunches, talk about menu planning (ie she tells me what she thinks we should eat, I tell her what I think we should eat and we meet somewhere in the middle), and often do a quick drawer or pantry tidy.

    I know full well that if I left while cooking I’d have a ceiling to repaint too!

  4. OMG I did the same thing. In fact I left the house to pick up medicine at the Vet for our dog, with potatoes boiling on the stove. I hadn’t remembered until about 20 minutes on the way from home. Luckly I was able to call a friend of my son who ran up and removed the potatoes from the stove. In addition on the way home, not far from home, I heard a fire engine.I thought I was going to die. Luckely everything was fine. Potatoes were burnt though

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