{Chloe} on Simplify your life – week 1

I was very excited when I received the first e-mail for the Simplify Your Live e-course. Reading the summary, I already knew this week would be all about vision: what does a simplified life look like. I was already convinced this would be a very important part of the project, the foundation for the rest of it, and the actual lesson confirmed this.

I have to be honest: when I first read very quickly the pages I had just printed and saw “What is your life purpose?”, I completely freaked out: how was I supposed to answer that question?? šŸ˜‰

Then I thought that Marcia would never give me such a deep question without making me ready to answer it, and I read more throughly.

I was right, the lesson and the article provide great starting points to fuel your thinking. Of course, if you expect one of those “one size fits all” kind of course that will give you answers without you having to reflect and dig a bit deeper, you’ll be disappointed.

I started by reading the documents a couple times during the first two days, and I always had the questions and articles in a small corner of my head, sometimes without noticing it.

Unconsciously, it matured and after a couple days I was ready to grab my pen and start filling the forms. The point was to reflect on why I want to simplify my life and what is the goal, what it’ll look like one the process is complete (if such a process can ever be “complete”!).

To me, “simple” is another word for “peaceful“.

I want my life to be easy, to “flow” smoothly, I want to feel comfortable with the people, the things, the activities that are in my life and how they make me feel. My simplified life would be balanced, with a good mix of lightness, of ease and deep relationships (including with myself).

Some things that are blocking me to get this simple life are mainly some character traits, like my (quite frightening) ability to create drama, my taste for arguing and wanting to always be right, laziness that makes me waste myself (my time, my energy), gossiping, negativity.

To fight against those traits I basically have to be more conscious, more mindful of what I do, what I say, how I think. I must make purposeful goals and remind them to myself often, so that I stay focused on those. Baby steps, daily actions (maintenance is a big issue for me) and visual reminders will be powerful tools, I think.

Pfew, what a novel!! Thanks if you read all along! šŸ˜‰

Take care!

Wow, wow, wow!

What fantastic insights and it’s only week 1!!!!

I’m so, SO proud of you already – so glad you’re really digging in and asking yourself the hard questions.

Do you have any questions for Chloe? Or did any of her insights resonate with you?

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  1. well written and inspiring!

  2. Thanks Amanda!!

  3. This is very deep and meaningful. I must say I felt the same way. For me simplicity is organisation. I guess everyone has their flaws. It’s good you have figured out what they are now you can work on them. It is inspiring to see that you are changing already.

  4. You’re right, Sam, it’s good to know where I need to work. The problem is that since it’s non-physical, I can’t see the results as clearly as when I empty a junk drawer, for example. I have physical clutter, too, but to me the main issue is about psychological and emotional clutter.

  5. Marcia Francois says

    I’m loving the talking in the comments – keep it coming šŸ™‚

  6. Wow, you’ve really got some great insights to this Chloe. I signed up for the course too, but aside from downloading the files, have not even had a chance to read the info yet. You’ve got me motivated to get going on it now.

  7. Yay, Jacinda, I’m so glad you joined! I’m sure you’ll love it! Can’t wait to see you going through it! <3

  8. Chloe, this was beautifully written and I found it so insightful. I also struggle with the fact that a lot of what needs to change in my life is not visible to the naked eye – it’s all psychological and emotional clutter that needs to happen before any other decluttering can take place.
    But. You can do it. Take it one day at a time and you WILL get there.

    I LOVED THIS and found it so profound.

    “To me, ā€œsimpleā€ is another word for ā€œpeacefulā€œ.

    I want my life to be easy, to ā€œflowā€ smoothly, I want to feel comfortable with the people, the things, the activities that are in my life and how they make me feel. My simplified life would be balanced, with a good mix of lightness, of ease and deep relationships (including with myself).”

    Goodness me, I write much longer blog posts than this so don’t worry about this being all novel-like.

  9. LOL Julia, thanks! One day at a time, that’s the key! I should have added that to my word-of-the-year reminder!

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