19 [31 days] Tips for organising ribbon

Mandy asked in a comment on a post last week if I had any tips to organise ribbon.


First, I don’t have that much ribbon, judging by the posts on the internet, but it is a lot for me.

I do like things stored with their friends, so all my ribbon is together.

I used to organise my ribbon like this.

But now, this is the shelf it lives on – those circles are 2-inch punched circles, my writing (I have no patience for finding and printing “the perfect font” and a bit of Prestik.

Coming in closer – those 4 on the top are my most-used ribbon. When I wrap gifts, I use those. When I tie labels to things, I use those – they are all double-sided satin 10 mm. I love them so much I may never go back to thicker ribbon again. They’re just so versatile. And so organising rule number 1 – keep things you use often near you.

this is the rest of my stash. It’s all stored in a spaghetti jar. I have the longer pieces of scrap ribbon rolled around a clothespeg and also thrown in here.

this is that horrible ribbon used for gift wrap. Once this is done I’m never buying anymore. That double satin ribbon will do this to you – I am spoilt forever.

These are scraps from gifts we’ve received. I throw nothing away that can be re-used. And I’ve found that when I make mini books (my latest creative obsession!) I can quite easily use these scraps to decorate the binder rings I use to keep the books together.


So that’s how I organise my ribbon.


Then, while browsing the internet last night, I found two gorgeous posts.

I love this woman’s unique ideas to store ribbon:

Here is post 1 and here is post 2.


How do you organise your ribbon?

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  1. Great tips, both from you and for the other blog! I don’t have spools of ribbon so I store them in big jars, but it’s a bit messy, I should think about your clothespin idea!

  2. These are all beautiful ideas! This is a biggie on my list…I’ll let you know where I land. Thanks so much for the inspiration, Marcia…and the yummy eye candy. 🙂

  3. I don’t have enough ribbon to have an actual system for it yet but I see lots of ideas about this on Pinterest. The most popular way seems to be be similar to the way you store yours – using a container like that so you can pull the ribbon though…

    • Marcia Francois says

      I would suggest you stay with the little to no ribbon thing…… it gets out of hand very quickly

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