We all know that we each have a unique learning style.
I see this so often with some of my clients because a lot of them are really creative. Which keeps me on my toes because I have to challenge their thinking in a different way sometimes too.
I even adapted some of my organising forms to cater for the left- and right-brained thinking styles.
E.g. my 30-day goals form (which is in the free Time Management Purpose Pack) has a line-by-line page and a mind-mapping page.
I used to be a solid “line-by-line” girl but then I started experimenting more with mind maps and I found that they work especially well for the linear thinkers amongst us when we’re stuck.
We sometimes need a shake-up in our thinking process.

This is an iphone photo of a page in my daily notebook with a mind map in progress. This one answers the question: what do I do in this business? Coach, speak, write and create.
These days I often use a two-pronged approach with any planning:
- I start with a mind-map and I go wild….
- I then transfer all that crazy to the line-by-line approach
Both sides of my brain participate 🙂 and all is well in the world.
I use this approach to plan out talks, brainstorm new products and even plan my blogging for the month. The blogging then gets transferred to an editorial calendar (nothing more fancy than a normal calendar with blocks where I write down the topic for the M W F schedule that goes on around here.
This is exactly how I planned my new Help! I need more time e-course. Mindmap and then wrote/ typed it all out.
Confession – I’ve tried to do mind-mapping on my ipad, iphone and computer, and somehow that feels more restrictive to me than a good old notebook and pen. So I deleted the apps.
If you’re a techno gal though, Lifehacker polled its readers on the 5 best mind-mapping tools.
Do you use mind maps? If yes, how?

I’ve tried but it didn’t work for me at the time. Probably because I’m a “messy-thinker”, a bit all over the place so I crave some structure to balance this tendency of mine! I should give it another try, though, I loved the concept.
Chloe, I think the key for you will be translating the mind map into a list straight afterwards.