{Organising} When you know what to do but can’t seem to do it

When you know what to do but life throws you a curveball |Organising Queen

 Another great question from Laura.

I have re-read your book twice this month and I get the ideas, but my own issues right now are preventing me from implementing them and I’m trying to figure out why.

Could you address people who, in theory, know all the organizing tips and tricks, and have ten books or blogs about it on their reading lists, but can’t seem to do it? Does that make sense? That’s me right now, not always… but right now.

Blessings, Laura

To me this sounds like either a case of motivation, customisation or accountability.

If you know what to do and have done it before, it’s definitely not a question of skill or competence. You can do it – you’ve done it before – and you will be able to do it again.

See if any of these questions triggers something for you 🙂

1. Why do you want to organise x, y or z? Are you very clear on your why and how you want it to look/ be?

Get clear on the vision for your space – I want this kitchen to function smoothly so I can prepare and cook meals in under 30 minutes.

2. Are the solutions not motivating you because they don’t feel like your style, or that they will work for your lifestyle?

If there are particularly fussy solutions that you know won’t work for you or your boys, that may be why you don’t feel like implementing them. Try to customise as much as possible, and take your organising style (I talk about this in the book) into account.

3. Do you have accountability or support?

I make a goals list every week (from my annual and monthly goals) and share this list with my accountability partner, Beth. I’m definitely not always highly motivated to do everything on that list but the fact that I”ll be chatting to Beth on a Thursday pushes me over the hurdle to get things done. I don’t want to tell her, week in and week out, that I still haven’t done x or y. Sometimes I have done that though which usually means there’s also something else going on.

A great place to get some accountability and support is the Live Organised Community.


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  1. Thank you again Marcia for taking time to answer this question. I have such empathy for myself who wrote that comment! I am better than I was then at least! 🙂 I think you are right about the reasons, especially motivation and accountability. My motivation is usually “I need to get organized” but if I were more specific, I might press in more instead of “I can always declutter tomorrow!” And definitely accountability would help me. You are a star Marcia! Have a great week, Laura

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