We’ve spoken about menu planning before; this time let’s talk about the how.
I like to keep things reaaaaaally simple.
So we have a very easy plan.
1. Use a printable or meal planner pad and keep it visible
For years I used the printable in the Household Organising Kit (part of the Organise your Home printables). These days I buy a menu planner pad from CNA and stick it to the side of the microwave so it’s visible to me, D (if he’s interested) and our nanny.
2. Mark off challenging days
On Wednesdays I go to Spanish dancing so supper is always a freezer-ready meal. I start cooking the pasta and Dion finishes it so that he and the kids can eat. I eat once I’m home just after 8.
If you have after-work activities, those are the nights to keep things easy. No-one died from having a sandwich and salad/ soup for supper.
When one of us has a work or other function where we’re going to be eating, that’s the night to eat the meal the other isn’t wild about 🙂 When I’m at home with the kids, we’ll have leftovers.
3. Have loose themes
Some people like to have Meatless Mondays, Beef on a Tuesday, Chicken on a Wed, etc. I like pasta on Mondays and Wednesdays, rice on Tuesdays and Thursdays, potatoes on a Wed and easy meals on Fridays. I almost never plan the weekend meals as we eat whatever I feel like doing…
Decide on your themes and write them down.
4. Add meals from your freezer or pantry
I decide what we feel like eating from the freezer and what we (I) feel like cooking. If you don’t look in your freezer regularly, you’ll forget what’s in there. Which reminds me, I have some waffles we need to eat 🙂
5. Get creative
I aim for once a month but in truth it probably only happens once every 6 weeks. That’s the week I get creative and use up any odd bits of meals/ veg/ pantry items to create meals.
That’s how my sausage chicken and sweetcorn pasta originated… which is now a regular occurrence.
Sometimes the combinations are a bit strange so I’ll need an ingredient to create a decent meal, and that’s fine.
The point is to use up things you’re mostly likely to ignore.
Annnnnd that’s it. That’s how I do my menu planning.
How do you do your menu planning?

Great tips – if anyone is looking for a digital way to make meal plans, this one is free and includes nutritional info: https://spoonacular.com/weekly-meal-planner hope this helps someone!