My 2015 word of the year

This year’s been interesting in that I didn’t feel a big WHOOSH with the word thing.

I could explain everything I was looking for in a few sentences but somehow the word wasn’t coming.

So I joined Susannah Conway’s Facebook group and wrote on there… and then I got emailed with TONS of great ideas. Some were nice… but not for me…and some were great and needed more thought.

And then I had a fleeting thought, like this is going the way all my bad ideas go – I’m getting too much advice and not trusting my own instincts enough.

So I stopped reading for a day or so, took out my worksheets and I did the work.

Novel idea.

And I had a word that was perfect.

Then on the weekend I pulled out the big camera, took two photos of the perfect word and I thought, “this word doesn’t feel right anymore”.

It’s definitely a good support word, but not THE word.

So I asked myself, “which word is speaking to my heart right now?” (not which word would I LIKE to have…)

and a word came to my mind/ heart.

I sat with it for a day or two longer to see if it still felt right… and it did.

enough big

My word for 2015 is enough.

1. I am enough
2. I have enough
3. God is more than enough
4. Enough of behaviours I want to put behind me
5. There is Enough Time to do, see or create whatever I want to.

Do you have a word of the year?

Please share in the comments.

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  1. Laney4 says

    In 2013, my word of the year was Ruthless, as I was ruthless in sorting our worldly possessions as much as possible into piles for garbage/recycling, our annual yard sale, and charity. In 2014, my word was Balance, as I tried to work hard and play hard, plus volunteer but not to the point of exhaustion (by learning to say No). My word for 2015 is now Cleanse, as in following some feng shui “rules” (by keeping a cleaner house/windows, by not having obstacles like a couch in the middle of the room blocking our feet/energy), but also by cleansing myself of negative energy from “friends”. This one is more difficult, as some people have been friends for over 35 years now, but I really feel like these people are dragging me down, and I’m sick and tired of it after all these years.

    • Marcia Francois says

      Laney, thanks for commenting. Love your word and I agree with the friendship thing. So many people have spoken similar sentiments to me about this very topic over the last few weeks.

  2. Perfect! My word for this year is “Strong”. Last year it was “Move” I want to get stronger in my health, finances and family in order to work more on my goals this year. It took me some time too. I think the time is worth it!

    Happy New Year!

    • Marcia Francois says

      Love your word and how you plan to apply it! How did move work for you last year, Heather?

  3. Enjoy & Inspire are my 2 words for 2015
    I think Enough is a great word. All the best for a great year Ahead!

  4. My word is MOVE. I will move towards the things that fill me with joy and I will move away from the things that make me anxious and drain my energy. OF course this means that I need to do actual exercise too!

    I LOVE your word – it’s perfect for you.


  1. […] Enough has been a great word for me (more on that on Monday) but when you keep your word at the forefront, and constantly ask, what is enough? why is this not enough? I am more than enough, etc. […]

  2. […] last year when I still didn’t have my word til about the first week of January, this year I had my word early in […]

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