{Living intentionally} On getting unstuck

Beth and I chat every Thursday night. Last Thursday when we chatted, I realised I’d done none of my business goals for the week.

That’s not like me so I took myself out for a coffee date after work on Friday afternoon (I don’t waste time ;)) and proceeded to properly flesh out my business planning to get me unstuck.

getting unstuck | www.OrganisingQueen.com

I started writing down my core desired feelings for my business, expanded on those and wrote down a page of notes answering “what do I want my business to look like this year?” and then I took each of those CDFs and fleshed them out some more.

After about a half hour of planning, these were some of my thoughts:

  1. I definitely don’t want to write a weekly newsletter like I did last year. I’m thinking probably twice a month is a good balance of connection and ease.
  2. Even though there’s this move towards slow blogging, I think my 3 times a week blogging on this blog is still fine for me. However, I’m giving myself permission to not post sometimes if other parts of my life need my attention more.
  3. I want to share more about how I use my own products/ tools because the truth is it all came from systems that work for me, and then my clients trying them on too.
  4. I want to do more collaboration both in terms of sponsors that fit with this blog’s message, and bring resources to you that I come across which will be helpful to my readers. I already do this but in a very loosey-goosey way; this year I want to be more considered with this aspect.
  5. I need to get over my hesitancy about self-promoting. The fact is, I run workshops, I sell products, I coach and I write books and how is it wrong to talk about it?
  6. I really need to start sharing more books I’m passionate about and those I disagree with. I loved it last year when I wrote about my favourite 4 time management books in the Enough Time series. The truth is I read a lot of books in my genre (time management, organising, productivity, goals, simple living) and I think you could benefit from me sharing more of those reviews.
  7. I need to make a password-protected page on my website with all the freebies and printables. I so often get people emailing me for forms they’ve lost and it would be really nice to say you can find it ALL right here 🙂 That’s going on the February list.

While all this might be interesting to some of you, let’s flip this around and talk about you.

Planning |www.OrganisingQueen.com

Do you feel stuck in any areas of your life?

May I suggest taking just 5 minutes to do a quick exercise:

  1. what do I want to feel in this area of my life?
  2. do I have it?
  3. yes/no? why?
  4. which small actions can I take to get me closer to (1) above

That’s it for now.

I also planned to write about Goals Night (the best night of the month!) but this post is already too long. I’ll write more about my goals review and February goals in Wednesday’s newsletter.

I would love to hear your tips and tricks for getting unstuck.

How was your January?

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