Are you addicted to your phone?

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Have you heard about an app called Moment?

It’s a scary but very insightful app.

I read about it on a blog (which is how I find out all my information :)) and installed it.

Moment app |

Moment shows you the number of minutes you’re on your phone daily, and how many pickups you have (times you pick up your phone). If you click through, it also shows you where you were using your phone (at the traffic lights while driving to work!). You can set it to give you a reminder every 5 – 10 minutes which I’ve now done because all of those 2 minutes and 5 minutes add up.

I hadn’t really looked at much besides the minutes before because I thought it was malfunctioning when it showed me scary stats.

Moment app |

I downloaded all my stats for the two months it’s been installed and truly, I’m horrified.

My lowest number of minutes on my phone was 41 (when Dion and I were away for the weekend) and lowest pickups was 9. My highest number of minutes was 308 minutes and highest pickups was 64. That’s crazy!

Saturdays are always the lowest pickups of the entire week (that makes complete sense to me because I’m busy with gym, kids, house, normal life).

I know I’m not half as bad with my phone as many other people (even our team assistant at work tells me “you’re never on whatsapp”. Well, not never, I just reply, I don’t get on there and really chat much) so if my phone is showing statistics that scary, I dread to think of others’ stats.

Moment app |

Already since noticing the high number of minutes, I’ve started to leave my phone in my bag when I get to work instead of on the desk next to me. That helps… some.

I was out with friends a few weeks ago and after they arrived, I put my phone away in my bag. That definitely helped. We didn’t even have a phone stacking agreement 🙂

I noticed that when I have my afternoon slump at work, I spend the longest time on my phone of the entire day. I should go have a cup of tea instead 🙂

Anyway, I really, really want to get my daily minutes and pickups down so that when I pull new stats in a few weeks time, it will look much better.

There’s a paid version too but I’m not getting that yet because the free version scared me enough already that I’m looking to change that habit 🙂

Over to you.

Have you downloaded Moment?
Will you share some of your details with me?

PS Tap settings, scroll right down the page and tap Export. It will send you your very own scary little report.

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