10 questions for your half-year review

I do a Goals Night on the last day of every month. It’s time to take stock of the month that’s passed, what went well, what didn’t and to set goals for the month ahead.


When I get a little way into the year, then I occasionally take stock against my annual goals.


Here are a few questions to ask as you take stock half way through the year:

  1. On a scale of 1 – 10, how have the first 6 months of 2015 been?
  2. What are your reasons for the number you chose?
  3. What is working well? Why?
  4. What could be working better? How?
  5. If you chose a word of the year, has it been guiding/ inspiring/ clarifying things for you? How are you living out your word of the year?
  6. Looking at your goals, are you on track?
  7. Are there any goals you need to let go of? Let them go and be kind to yourself.
  8. Do you know why those goals were no longer motivating you?
  9. Looking forward… what are the 3 main things you want to focus on for the next 90 days?
  10. Do you have the necessary support? I may be able to help you.

If you’re feeling introspective, this resource may delight you.


If you ask yourself these questions and end up feeling a little blue about what hasn’t been done, stop. It’s better to have the self-knowledge and anything done is better than nothing.

Write down your top 3 things (maybe on a Project Life card?), prop it up on your desk and start again.

Care to share some of your progress with me?

You might enjoy these:

I posted 6 questions for your half-year review two years ago.

How to achieve your goals

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