Are you a moderator or an abstainer?

If you look in my bin right now, you’ll see two empty chocolate wrappers (Cadbury’s Dairy Milk bubbly – mini!).

In my defense (and I need one!), the bin hasn’t been emptied for 3 days.

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However, there’s another side to this issue – if I hadn’t bought them, I wouldn’t have eaten them.

I only eat what’s there – I would never drive to the shops just to buy a chocolate bar.

I’m a clear abstainer with chocolate. Gretchen Rubin talks about this inย Better Than Before.

It’s easier for me to totally not eat that chocolate (and chips!) than try to eat just a little of it.ย  With junk food, I seem to be an abstainer. Although I do think I’m more of a moderator because extreme diets just don’t do it for me.

I’m on Weigh-Less and we eat from all the food groups. This is not a food blog but many of the popular diets prohibit certain of my favourite food groups ๐Ÿ˜‰

(Interestingly, in the book, she says all dieticians are moderators!)

Coaching and the Four Tendencies |

With everything else though, I think I’m a moderator. Just think about the things I say:

  • Baby steps!
  • Do things 15 minutes at a time
  • Only put 5 things on your to-do list
  • A little bit is better than nothing.
  • Even if you only achieve 3 things this month, it’s better than having tried nothing.


Coaching and the Four Tendencies |

Which one are you – moderator or abstainer?

PS I’ve been very on the fence about The Life Changing magic of tidying up largely because of the extremist nature of the method. But some of my very favourite bloggers have totally bought into the idea so I think it’s worth checking out. All in the name of research for the blog ๐Ÿ˜‰ I’ve just bought the book and will listen during August.

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  1. I’m very much a moderator – my whole mindset works that way

  2. I’m an abstainer. My problem is that I sometimes think that I can get away with being a moderator when I’m definitely not one! And I do want to get that Marie Kondo book. I think I will like it.

  3. I am a moderator. Everything in moderation. Otherwise I fall of the wagon complete if I to deny certain foods.


  1. […] abstainers will love it; as a moderator, I’m listening in the car, cringing at the thought of ALL my […]

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