As I mentioned on Monday, I bought The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying up and I started listening today.
Since I’m not ready to write a review yet, I thought I’d give you a quick take on the book so far and then talk about other methods.
The short answer is – I already love a lot of it. Those who are Questioners will enjoy it too, I think 🙂
The Konmari Method
If you search the hashtag #Konmari on Instagram, you will see amazing photos of people’s spaces (and I think, lives) being transformed.
I follow someone who is a huge crafter and she is KILLING it. She’s done her clothes, kids’ clothes, toys, books and craft stuff. Amazing.
For me so far, it’s about more than stuff and organising and I think that’s why this method is so successful.
The abstainers will love it; as a moderator, I’m listening in the car, cringing at the thought of ALL my stuff on my FLOOR (my trigger! I can’t STAND stuff on the floor – #justaskmykids) but I can see the attraction, especially for the abstainers. If you’re a moderator, my organise your home e-course is much more of a step-by-step process.
The main thing is “does this spark joy?” If it does, you keep it. If not, toss. So simple and yet so powerful.
Capsule wardrobing
Capsule wardrobes don’t really work for me mainly because I’m not a neutral type of person and I really love colour. But I ignored the numbers of things you’re “supposed” to have in your capsule, did a work clothes and a casual clothes capsule, and that did it for me.
I have much less, and most things do go with one another.
The advantages for me – easy to dress in the mornings, very easy to pack when I went on holiday and almost everything goes with everything else.
The disadvantage for me – my clothes started feeling a bit boring – but then I told myself, “that’s what scarves are for” and I have plenty of those, so much so I actually decluttered some 😮
Old-fashioned decluttering
Before all these new-fangled ideas came about, there was old-fashioned decluttering, which worked just fine for most of us.
I’ve written plenty about decluttering clothes before, and what I said then is still true. The process is solid.
We typically wear only about 20% of our stuff so why not only keep the 20% and actually wear all the things we love.
Decluttering is not as trendy a word as a capsule wardrobe or Konmari is, but I promise, if you go step-by-step, it will still work.
My thoughts
Decluttering is more for the moderator, and Konmari is more for the abstainer.
Although if you want to make radical change quickly and you’re prepared for a bit of upheaval, then Konmari’s going to get the job done SUPER quick.
What’s working in terms of managing your clothes/ stuff these days?

[…] last but not least, I’m so darn inspired by this Konmari business. I’m ITCHING to tackle my clothes (I actually want to move right onto the other stuff since […]