{Intentional living} Luxury

A few weekends ago I spent a very nice afternoon-evening fully immersing myself in a book. I started the book over breakfast after gym, took a break decluttering kids’ clothes and had a lunch date with Dion, and then in the afternoon I read…. until I finished that night. I took a brief break to make tea (pictured) and to whip up supper, and then back to the book.

While I’m a very avid reader and I read daily, the kind of reading where I can go past the point of no return and just keep reading without stopping is extremely decadent.

Lazy Saturday afternoons are the best! #SWEETDELIGHTS #AugustBreak2015

A photo posted by Marcia Francois (@marcia0608) on

It’s a luxury to me.

Gretchen Rubin wrote a blog a few weeks ago asking about people’s idea of luxury.

The idea of luxury is interesting because it’s so different for each of us.

I guess I’d consider luxury to be the resource in short supply for a current life situation.

  • When the babies were newborns, luxury was drinking a whole mug of tea and have it be hot all the way through.
  • Because I don’t live at the beach, taking a walk on the beach or going to sleep with the sound of the waves crashing is a luxury to me.
  • Time to work proactively these days is a luxury

When I first started thinking through this concept of luxury, my first thought was “time” but because I genuinely feel that there is enough time for all of us, I thought that couldn’t be it.

So then, what is luxury for me?

It’s the completely getting lost in a book, going for a walk at 4:30 in the afternoon with my camera, playing in the kitchen for two hours.

But who said I couldn’t do these things?

No-one except me.

So I resolve to do more of this luxurious living, getting lost in a book one weekend a month, coming home early to get in that walk and then catching up in the evenings when the light is gone, postponing the tidying in favour of creating in the kitchen.

That’s some luxury I can for sure bring to my life.

How about you? Are you designing your ideal life?

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