Myers Briggs and the Konmari method

This is post number 1600 – I love round numbers – and how fitting that it’s about one of my favourite subjects, personality profiles ๐Ÿ™‚

08 Konmari

My kids, going through their DVDs….it wasn’t a very successful exercise. Apparently everything brought them joy ๐Ÿ™‚

Long-time readers will know that Beth and I are accountability partners.

Since 2006!!!!

I remember that date because I was in Thailand when I sent her the email agreeing to the idea ๐Ÿ™‚

I think our relationship works for many reasons but one of the main ones is because we are complete and total opposites.

Beth’s an INFP and I’m an ESTJ.

She slows me down and makes me think about why, and I push her to try things within a deadline ๐Ÿ™‚

Beth has still not finished reading The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Upย and I’m chomping at the bit waiting… because I can’t wait to discuss Myers Briggs with her.

We both advocate small steps of decluttering. She has a lovely gentle way of supporting her clients, and I am a teensy bit bossier, but I also like smaller, steady steps because it motivates most people to get things done.

We both know that everybody doesn’t relate to both styles.

And so, everybody will also not relate to everything in the book.

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up

That said,ย I listened to The Simple Show podcast two weeks ago and Tsh was talking to Megan Tietz, another MBTI enthusiast, about the Konmari book. Listen from 22 – 40 minutes ๐Ÿ™‚

I’m also a keen MBTI enthusiast but I’m probably going to get things wrong. I’m writing this anyway ๐Ÿ™‚

First, if you don’t know your style, go take the 16 personalities quiz or this one.

I realised while writing most of this post that I only had myself – a focus group of one – and would benefit from more people’s answers.

So I put out a cry for help and nine people helped out. Thank you so much!


Sensing types

Both of the first two Myers-Briggs types are sensing types, and therefore their environment is very important to them because they take in information through their senses. The J type is motivated towards getting things done while the P type is about possibilities, spontaneity and having fun.

On the whole, the S-types are very practical and literal…when I asked what they didn’t like, all the S’s said the impractical things, like emptying out handbags, thanking each object as they left your home, speaking to your possessions, the woo-woo, etc.

SJ – Guardians

Are most aware of their physical surroundings and are motivated by doing the right thing, love rules and orderย and like to see results. I’m an SJ type and with Konmari, the things that challenged and were frustrating to me were all the things lying around (!) and how it took me ages to complete a category.

I do love the process, the fact that it’s making a very real difference in my environment. The results of all thoseย empty drawers speak for themselves, and definitely spark joy.

SP – Artisans

The artisans are sensation-seeking and would probably love Konmari as long as they’re having fun ๐Ÿ™‚ Typically like the idea but the process might be a bit overwhelming.

I imagine they’re really into the question and will happily toss anything that’s not sparking joy. The SP who answered my little survey said she liked being challenged to think out of the box.

MBTI and Konmari |

Intuitive types… (Ns)

The Ns are typically big picture thinkers, in the air vs the “on the ground” sensing types. In one of my favourite parenting books, Motherstyles, she talks about giving your kids baths. The N mom baths their kids to have fun and the S mom baths her kids to clean them ๐Ÿ™‚

NTย  – Rationals

The most suspicious of any quirkiness in the book. The logical and reasonable side of the structure of the process will appeal though to their practicality. If they believe in the purpose though (e.g. a calm and peaceful home), they will enjoy the process.

From the NT who answered the survey, “she is clearly kind of crazy” —>>>> I LOVE THIS STATEMENT because it is pure INTJ ๐Ÿ™‚

NF – Idealists

This is the style most in love with Konmari. As Megan Tietz said on the podcast, “this is totally our bag” (she is an ENFP). This type loves all the questions because everything has meaning and purpose in life.

It gives you the freedom to answer the question without having to follow rules.

From the NF who responded, I love that she is reframing things that have tripped me up. Like saying gifts have already served their purpose, or even clothes I’ve never worn have served their purpose by teaching me something. Purpose, purpose, purpose – I adore this comment!

MBTI and Konmari |

Survey results

INTJ – 11%

ENFP – 11%

ESTP – 11%

ISFJ – 11%

ESFJ – 11%

ESTJ – 11%

ISTJ – 34%

SJ-types 67%

My guess is that the book sounds good to so many SJ types because our environments are so important to us and we’re always up for a new trick to increase effectiveness in this area. I, personally, have written many times about how I can’t function in disorder.

I still want to hear from you!

I have a surprise for you on Friday. One of the respondents sent me such lovely responses and photos that I’m going to share those with you to inspire you.

Whether you have or haven’t responded, but want to share your journey too, email me on marcia @ organisingqueen . com and send me pics/ your story/ answer my questions/ write some more. Whatever! It’s all welcome!

What’s your MBTI type?

Have you read the Konmari book?

What are your favourite things about the book, and your least favourite things about the book?

Comments are OPEN for this post!

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  1. I’m an INFJ (The Empath), and I have read the book. What benefitted me the most from the book was the idea that just having my stuff all over without giving it a home and not putting items with other like items was not respecting my relationship with my stuff. I think it helped me to think of my belongings as sentient beings and to understand that KM is about giving them the respect they deserve. If they are not fulfilling a purpose in my life, it is disrespectful for me to hold them hostage in my home. I need to thank them for their service and release them to serve someone else. If they are serving a purpose for me, then I need to respect their place in my life by actually giving them a place in my life.

    I wonder what personality type Marie Kondo is?

  2. ESFP over here! I’m reading the book and have begun clearing out my room based on the Marie Kondo method. It feels great, looks wonderful, and I feel more “free” from my stuff already. I am very attracted to the idea of keeping only what makes me happy and how I can translate that to other areas of my life. Why waste time on the things you feel so-so about?

  3. Candace Myers says

    I’m an INFJ and am obsessed with this book! The only other person I know who is also into the Konmari method is an INFP. NF types tend to frequent minimalist pages too, I’ve done polls on their and INFP and INFJ were the most common type and S types were not very common at all. Would love to chat MBTI with you and the konmari method or minimalism. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Catharine says

    ESFP–I absolutely loved the book, her quirkiness and her method! Ten years ago I had worked through everything else, but was stuck in books, paperwork & mementoes. Therefore, after I finished her whole book and decided she was delightfully quirky rather than over the top crazy, I quickly worked through all her categories quickly. By the time I reached my first “stuck” area, I realized that the Kon-Mari method really did hone my decision making skills. As with some of the clients in her book, I also learned about myself by taking stock of what “sparked joy”. And I’m in the middle of a big lifestyle change with my husband. But what I want to know is, what’s Marie Kondo’s MB type?

    • Marcia Francois says

      I would also LOVE to know what Kondo’s MBTI type is. I’m guessing ISTJ or ISFJ.

  5. INFP here. I just discovered the KonMari method and am currently reading The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. The crazy, amazing thing about it is that I’ve already been applying most of Marie Kondo’s tidying guidelines/principles without knowing about them beforehand. So reading the book for me has been like gazing at a mirror into my own thought process and natural inclinations: the colour-coordinated organisation, the folding process, eliminating distracting commercial labels, having designated spots for everything, disposing any and every item that didn’t/doesn’t “feel like me” (or “spark joy”, to use her term) – and really, that’s just the tip of the iceberg! I absolutely love the book and have gained so much fresh insight from it that I can’t wait to apply. The uncanny similarities we have makes me wonder she’s an INFP as well ( – scroll to see the last part).

    Anyway, I look forward to presenting this method with the rest of my family, who are all VERY messy, disorganised and clutter-encumbered. Yes, they’ve recently expressed their desire to clean the house and their personal spaces, but don’t quite know where to start or how to go about it. Here’s to hoping for that life-changing magic of tidying up! ๐Ÿ™‚

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