What’s really important to me this Christmas?

What's most important to me this Christmas?

A few weeks ago I made my intentional Christmas printables available to my mailing list.

And I finally went through the exercise with my family.

I asked them all to share what is most important about Christmas for them.

Then we prioritised our list and agreed on the top 5 things.

Why 5?

Because I like 5 and 10 – nice,  round numbers 🙂

What's most important to me this Christmas?

Top things mean items that were VERY important to at least 3 of the 4 of us.

These were the things that made our list:

  1. Peace and quiet
  2. Baking and eating biscuits
  3. Christmas Day at church and a nice lunch afterwards
  4. Reading Christmas books
  5. Riding our bicycles as a family at Gillooly’s Farm

One of the first priorities mentioned was Christmas Carols and a Nativity Play – but we had those for the last two weekends so it’s pointless to add that item to the list.

Did you notice what’s not on that list?


What's most important to me this Christmas?

I asked D (just to check… because I am by far the more minimalist of the two of us) and he said, “the last thing I feel like doing is trawling the malls looking for presents”.

Amen and amen 🙂

The kids will get a few presents (they have grannies, after all) but we’re not going crazy.

Now tell me, did you do the exercise either by yourself or with your family?

What were some of your priorities?

PS the kids didn’t mention crafting with me, so I’m off the hook 🙂

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