What’s no longer serving you, and what’s really going on?

I wrote another article with this same title a few years ago.

The focus then was mostly on organising spaces.

This time I want to talk about time.

true north | www.OrganisingQueen.com

One of the podcasts I listen to is Elise gets crafty and one of the more recent episodes was an episode on time.

During that episode she mentioned that since she’d stopped writing her own blog about 9 months ago, she’d also stopped reading a lot of blogs, but then she became aware that actually reading blogs wasn’t really adding to her happiness so she just stopped the whole blog reading thing. Just like that.

I found this radical for two reasons:

  1. she’s been blogging almost as long as I have, and to just cut it off seemed a bit sudden to me. But then I thought, “well, why not?” If it’s not going to #sparkjoy, then should it be in your life?
  2. it’s brave to make choices that are right for you yet don’t make sense to others

January goals | www.OrganisingQueen.com

On another episode, she mentioned to a guest that she was scrolling through her instagram one day, saw a family frolicking on a foreign beach, and felt some envy. But then she stopped herself and said, “wait, I don’t even like travelling or being out of routine and being on the beach with two little ones is far from relaxing, so what’s going on?”

The answer was that she wanted more togetherness and fun with her own family, but she wasn’t attached to how it happened.

Isn’t that powerful?

If you’d like me to coach you and help you arrive at your own insights about things that are no longer serving you, send me an email for a half-hour session. I can’t wait to talk to you.

What are you envious of, and when you probe deeper, what’s really going on?

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  1. Wow, that’s just all kinds of wow.

    • Marcia Francois says

      Glad you enjoyed it, Cassey. Come back and tell me which insights you had once you’ve processed a bit more 🙂

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