Andddddd….. October goals


October is the point where people definitely think, “what’s the point?”

There is a point. Trust me.

If you get just one thing done every month, that’s 3 things this year.

3 things more than you would have got done!

Now if you’re even the slightest bit more ambitious than that, you can end 2016 well.

So forget about the first 9 months in the past and look forward to the rest of the year.

Answer this question:


What would have to happen this month for October to feel like a good month?

  • a date with friends
  • sorting something out at home – organising
  • buying something for your home
  • making a budget
  • increasing your bond repayment
  • making plans for Christmas

Write down 3 things (goals) for October and stick that note up somewhere. Even better, write those things on 1 – 2 post-it notes and put one on your bathroom mirror and one at your desk or in your bullet journal.

Will you do it?


Now onto some of my goals for October:

  1. Learn and perfect the dance for my Spanish dance exams – I have 5 (very short) weeks left… but I do know 1/3 now.
  2. Book December leave and decide where we’re doing for Christmas, etc.
  3. Decide if I want to do a workshop this year – either on Love Languages or Bullet Journalling
  4. Schedule socials for the rest of the year
  5. Buy new bed
  6. Do whatever it takes to sell house

Care to share some of your goals?

PS Theses photos are from last year – there are almost no jacarandas in Johannesburg due to the drought 🙁

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  1. My October goal is to finish all assignments for my diploma. Once the diploma is done I can get cracking on my research. Also, mostly just survive the month.

  2. YES! I’m cutting down on SM in a big way. I’ve set up a number of friend dates and I’m going away this weekend with my family. I’m also re-looking at money things. Savings, budgets and possible coaching. I’ll also be booking December leave, paying for December’s holiday and going through the stationery so I can buy only what the kids need for next year.

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