The adult colouring business…. and the 5 love languages

So the adult colouring craze is still going strong here.

And by strong I mean about 2 – 3 times a month, I pull out “my” colouring book and I colour with one of the children, never alone.


I eventually bought myself a book – it’s a kids’ book actually pitched at age 8 – 12 – so it has big things to colour 🙂

I call it “my book” because then the kids respect it more. They are not allowed to rip out pages and always put it away in its place. They are much more inclined to cut things out of their own books. Strangely, neither of them like colouring books but they do like colouring in my book.



It’s one of the best ways for me to spend time with Connor, who is my quality time child. Other than that, we take the book and the pencil crayons with us when we go out to eat so we can talk and colour while waiting for the food.

The other day Connor came to me and requested that I draw something for him to colour. I don’t draw as such, but I drew this flower. He didn’t like this one so I had to draw another and then we each coloured in our own flowers.


*Very important announcement*

I’ll be holding a series of 5 love languages of children workshops in the next couple of months.

Let me know if you’re interested (there is no commitment – I’m not holding you to anything) so I can start light planning.

Think of two of your kids’ best friends’ parents, come on over and in two hours we will identify the kids’ love languages and I’ll teach you many ways of filling their little love tanks. This workshop is for parents, caregivers, teachers and grandparents of any age children. I could identify my kids’ love languages from about 9 months.

The first workshop on 19 November is at my own house or if you have at least 8 people, I can come to you…. and then you as the host won’t pay.

The cost will be R200 per person, or R360 for a parent couple.

You can leave a note in the comments on this post, or email me on marcia AT if you’ll be joining me.

I’m very passionate about this subject – let’s make it happen!

Are you joining me on 19 November?

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  1. Kids love languages sound awesome, I hope you post on it too. I like colouring in as the mood strikes. K likes for us to draw things for him.

  2. I just can’t colour!!! I don’t have the patience for it. I would rather do dot to dot. I know many people find Colouring relaxing. It stresses me out 🙁

    Yes please ok the love language workshop

  3. I would LOVE to join you! Wish I could be there. I have ALWAYS loved colouring in. I tend to download pages from the internet. I need to buy myself a proper colouring book. So difficult to find though because I don’t like pictures with too many squiggles and I LOVE text in my picture.


  1. […] is a “words” child.  Something I’ve always know but learned more about at a 5 love languages of children course which Marcia hosted this past Saturday.  Ethan’s love tank is filled by getting […]

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