What’s making me happier? Organising my Kindle

I was sorting out my Kindle the other day and realised this might make me a bit weird but it’s a weirdness that makes me very happy.

I have folders to organise my downloaded Kindle books.


I have the obvious ones like Books read, and then the unread books go into either Fiction or Non-Fiction so depending what I’m in the mood for, I go directly to that section to find a book.

I also have a folder for Children’s books.

I leave sample books out of folders so that they’ll “bother” me and I’ll read them quickly 🙂

It makes me super happy when I finish a book and I can happily file it away in its folder.


If only Audible let me create folders, I’d have a very happy time organising my audio books too 🙂

And now, I wish you 30 very happy minutes organising your Kindle. Take a screenshot and tag me @OrganisingQueen so I can come do the happy dance with you.

Do you have a Kindle?

Do you use folders? What are some of your folders called?

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  1. I usually delete books after a while. Especially if I didn’t like them that much. Love this idea. Going to look into creating two folders: READ and TO BE READ. I should make a habit of doing samples too! I rarely download samples. There will be a folder for that too.

    • Marcia Francois says

      If my Kindle ever fills up too much, I’ll start deleting. But I think it can take 2000 books if memory serves…..

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