A little end-of-year update


My one big goal for November is done.

I did my Spanish exam. I’ll find out whether I passed tomorrow evening but I did say to friends that I have done my absolute best – I have never in my life practised this hard for anything and I’m proud of all my efforts.

I also had probably 5 times as much fun as I did in the June exam which is all good.


But moving on…

On Saturday 19th I host this year’s 5 love languages of children workshop and I can’t wait. My prayer is that those who have signed up will leave having a deeper understanding of what makes them and their kids “tick”.

When I first went to a workshop, my mind was blown because I had insights about me, D and our kids! It’s so fun.

It’s not too late to sign up and yes, you can pay on payday if things are a bit tight now 🙂

Email me!


What I actually want to talk about are two things:

1. word of the year

My word of the year is joy and I’m not sure if it’s because I have this word, or the circumstances require that I had to have this word to cling to but 2016 hasn’t felt very joyful on the whole.

There have been joyful moments, sure, but my joy level has been lower this year than in a year with another guiding word.

Just when I was about to give up on this word and choose another (in August!), I received a gift (framed printable word art) from a friend with the words “choose joy”. That made me smile, I can tell you.

So I’m choosing joy.

But I’m already thinking about a word for next year. I’ll confess that I feel like I need to set the bar reallllllly low 🙂

I will write another post at the end of the year properly summarising JOY but for now, please tell me about your word for the year.

Has it been a fitting word for you? Have you wanted to abandon it too? Is your word still guiding you?


2. 2016 goals and intentions

My monthly goals have been going really well though despite unexpectedly buying a new house.

I think it’s because I’m focussing on only a few main life areas instead of all 7 or 8.

So I’m getting really excited about analysing (!) this year and doing my extensive reviews (aren’t you glad you don’t have to read all of that?!) and planning for next year.

Clean slate and all that jazz 🙂

How are your 2016 goals looking? Are you ready for a clean slate too?

(I need to write about planners/ diaries/ bullet journals for next year soon!)

PS if you’re not following Organising Queen on Instagram, you might want to take a look. I post there daily and it’s really fun!

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  1. Oh I need a new year. This one has been horrid – but started that way. I am intending on ending it better! We saw “The Trolls” on Saturday and guess what’s the message – you have to find joy inside yourself and look for it! I so needed that message!

    • Marcia Francois says

      oh I love that message. Maybe I should suggest that one for our annual family movie (I’m not even joking) 🙂

      Why don’t you declare right now a new season in your life, and choose something to bring you joy every week for the rest of the year, especially for your special week too?

  2. I am not a word chooser…but I did this year….serenity. I need it so much and I think I am going to stick with it for next year. I am getting better, but I have not cracked it yet.
    I am irritated that my office ifs forcing us to not use paper diaries…I have been a notebook girl for years…even as a teen.
    I like my slate full, so I am happy to carry over, until I feel my sense of achievement.

  3. hahahaha….I read my last sentence of the comment…and I am not serene yet….I am still not letting go!

  4. Gosh, I can’t even remember what my word of the year was! (and I usually have the memory of an elephant) This year has tried and tested me in so many ways and has brought so much changes. But I am determined to have the best festive season yet. Christmas carols are already playing at my house and I am ready for some happy now!

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