I’ve been eagerly awaiting Gretchen Rubin’s new book for months and months. Basically, I talk about the Four Tendencies to all my friends, colleagues and clients who are into these things.
And really, I bought and pre-ordered because I’m a fan, but also to understand those around me better. Since I’m an upholder, I thought I knew everything there was to know about being one.
But not!
First, an upholder is someone who readily meets both inner and outer expectations. They have no problems meeting work deadlines/ friend expectations (outer expectations) but they also have no trouble setting and achieving their own goals (inner expectations).
Right, this is me to a T.
I learned a ton from buying the book but today I want to talk about upholder tightening.
She had mentioned upholder tightening before on the Happier podcast but really delved into it in the book. In a nutshell, it means that upholders decide on their own expectations and get to it (no problem so far) and then, even if the thing no longer serves them, they keep on doing it even if there no longer is a reason to continue doing it.
I had some aha moments while reading that section and now, two months later, I can see this playing out in so many parts of my life.
I even told Dion (a fellow upholder) about upholder tightening and he told me how he definitely sees it in me when I keep flogging a dead horse 🙂
So where have I noticed this in my life?
At the start of this year, I decided to do my year of happy where I focussed on a specific theme for the month, and I’d blog the goals at the start and the feedback at the end.
The intention was to do this with other people joining in. Not one person did, so really at that point, I should have just said, “oh well, no-one’s interested, let’s move on”. But I didn’t.
I was happy enough to carry on for a few months, still hoping others would join in, but then it really got very boring for me.
But I pushed through every single month.
Upholder tightening!
On the bright side, the minute I read about it and recognised it in myself, I stopped.
The awareness gave me the permission to stop.
And so I did.
Isn’t that amazing?
I realise this is more amazing for me than for anyone else but of course I see it happening all over in my life.
Now I’m questioning (I lean towards Questioner) all the things that I decided I should do, that no longer feel right but I haven’t stopped doing yet.
I changed one other thing too.
But watch this space – one of my new goals is to evaluate basically everything in my life (aren’t I fun?!) and see if any of that upholder tightening shows up, and then stop it if it’s no longer serving me.
Are you an upholder? We’re the 2nd smallest group after Rebels.
If yes, where have you noticed upholder tightening show up in your life?
Otherwise, have you read the book yet? Do you intend to? What’s your tendency?
PS Better than Before is currently on sale. Pick up your copy here.

That insight seems both so clear, but not. Yay for finding something new for you 🙂
I know, right?! But there are things like this for each tendency!