Well, we’re four weeks into the year and it’s time for the first monthly review of 2018.
I know, I can hardly believe it myself.
What I’ve decided to do differently this year is to focus on a different question on my monthly review sheet (do you have yours yet? Sign up here to get your copy) and share that one question with you here.
If I get tired of doing it that way, I will stop now that I know about upholder tightening 🙂
So let’s get to it. For the record, there are 6 journaling-type questions and then the “on a scale of 1 – 10, this month was a ____”. I’ve printed the two-page PDF as is if I want it in A4, and if I want to glue/ washi tape it into my bullet journal, I print using the horizontal setting in Adobe so that it prints in A5 size. Like the pic at the top. Get your copy here.
Interestingly, I often find that my number changes if I write down the number first before doing the proper work of unravelling the month.
What energised me this month?
This is a new question I’ve added to my review sheet after I heard an episode of The Next Right Thing where she talked about life-giving and life-draining lists.
- holidays with amazing views and cold, mountain air
I posted some of those views on Instagram and they were truly soul-nourishing. I also loved the cooler weather for most of the holiday, and even on the hot days, the mornings were cool for a couple of hours.
- book club
We read a book called The hate u give this month and the book discussion was lively with varied opinions.
- reading many, many books
I’m in the middle of 3 books right now but I’ve already reached my goal for the month. One notable energizer was a re-read (or rather, a listen to) The Happiness Project. When I read it 6 years ago, I gave it 4*; this time when I listened, it got 5*. Truly fantastic.
- times of connection with my family
take four people out of Joburg and have nothing but nature, board games, outdoor games and you have some really good family time.
- friend dates
besides book club, I managed to have 3 friend dates this month which always energise me.
and it wouldn’t be my blog if I wasn’t 100% honest with you – doing a full and thorough review of 2017 and setting goals for 2018 energised me so much. Now I’m ready for the year ahead 🙂
What energised you this month?
If you care to share, did anything drain you?

Marcia, you really make me think with your posts. I have not formally written things down, just because I don’t want to. I have not really evaluated why, but I just don’t want to.
I have taken to making an effort of seeing something good in traffic. Something to make me smile. It makes me feel better. Something like clouds or flowers or someone jamming away alone in their car.
Also, I have decided to let go the school stuff and teachers feedback. We have moved on physically, it is time for me to move on emotionally and just free myself from that heartache. Whether I need to write it away, or sing it away or just kiss it away, I need to send it away.
A, that is beautifully said!
I’m not sure if you’re on the newsletter list? but this form is going out currently and has that question on it, “what do I need to let go of?” Sometimes it’s something physical (old photo printer I no longer use) and many times it’s emotional (chasing up my car dealer to repair a part they keep sending me a dud of).
Things that energized me in January: sleep, meditation, mindfulness retreat, connection with old friends and my family, classical Music, a three day mono-fasting and a trip to Lisbon – beautiful city, sun and blue sky. I am so grateful for all these moments.
What a great list of things that energized you, Kirstin. I completely identify with sleep and connection 🙂