Last week I wrote about what I want more of this year. Today we’ll talk about what I want less of 🙂
- Buying impulsively without first answering the “where will it go?” question
This is one of my self-imposed rules that has started slipping a bit. I need to get better with impulsive buying. I’m even considering doing a spending fast for a month or two. What do you think?
2. 3.Boomerang errands
When I listened to The Happiness Project last month, Gretchen Rubin mentioned the concept of boomerang errands. It resonated deeply because I’ve had so many boomerang errands of late. A boomerang errand is one that keeps coming back over and over, and can’t just be crossed off your list.
I’m a high J on Myers Briggs and I love to cross things off and get them done, so this feels doubly as frustrating to me.
Here’s to no more boomerang errands this year.
3. Internet problems
We are now on modem number 4. Enough said.
4. Children’s disorganisation
This year I told the kids that I won’t simply be organising their spaces but I’m going to teach them to organise their own spaces. I want them to realise that they have the power to create an organised space.
If you click through to my Instagram highlights, tap on the circle that says DREAM organising. You can see how I helped Connor to organize his underwear drawer.
Specifically, I want them to focus (a lot!) on the 1 in, 1 out principle, that physical space is an actual boundary, and how they want their rooms to feel. Kendra has mentioned when I tidy and chuck things out how “nice and calm” the room feels.
5. Scrolling mindlessly through blogs and Instagram
I wrote a fair amount about Instagram here. As for blogs, I’m still quite a heavy blog reader. But blogs have changed and I know that I need to declutter those that no longer align to my values. Otherwise there’s a ton of stuff I just mindlessly scroll through without providing any value.
What do you want less of this year?

Marcia, that spending fast seems like an idea I need to investigate. Also, I so feel you on the blogs thing.
Cassey, shall we do it in March?
I’m very inspired by Live Free Miranda’s 5-day free email course on living well with less. Sign up – I think you’ll like it!
I can recommend a spending fast. It really makes you rethink the things you do and your wants. When you delay that buy, you find later, you don’t actually want it anyway. Hubby and I decided to stop spending any money for the next two weeks (bar essentials like petrol). We don’t need food or clothes or anything like that.
I did a full spending fast for one month one year and last year I stopped buying books for a few months. It was great!