Last year I wrote two posts on menu planning that were two of the most popular posts on my blog the entire year.
If you didn’t see them, here’s post 1 and here’s post 2.
The reason I go on and on about this is because it is such a game-changer when you make it part of your weekly routine.
Today I want to give you two methods of menu planning that are truly very easy.
Base your meals on the protein. E.g.
Monday – legumes like lentils or kidney beans (chilli con carne using just kidney beans served over rice or baked potatoes)
Tuesday – chicken (chicken breasts, chicken a la King, chicken curry)
Wednesday – fish (grilled fist in the oven with chips or mashed potato)
Thursday – chicken again (add a second night of the protein your family likes the most, and if it’s chicken, choose from the list above)
Friday – cheese (pizza)
Saturday – eggs (breakfast for dinner, or quiche)
Sunday – beef (stir fry, steak, etc.)
(of course, I only plan for 5 nights and there’s usually enough in the fridge for the other two nights)
you could do the same as above around the carbohydrate
Monday – rice
Tuesday – potatoes or chips
Wednesday – pasta
Thursday – wraps
Friday – pizza or bread-based
(this is mostly how I menu plan because I get bored eating the same carbs two nights in a row)
you could plan meals around the type of dish
- Oven bake
- Casserole
- Slow-cooker
- Stir-fry
I hope I’ve given you some new ideas.
But even if you have a good system going, try planning using one of these 3 plans occasionally to jazz things up in the kitchen.
Will you let me know in the comments if you give it a bash? I’d love to hear.
But also, as we’re in summer in South Africa, please let me know your favourite meals to make in summer.

Almost 2 weeks ago, hubby and I did our marathon cooking session, and we have enough meals to take us half way into December. I like to cook in season food, because it is much more budget friendly, especially when it comes to veggies and fruit. You also get your staples like spinach which is in season all the time. I am not one for kitchen jazz, and it only rears its head if I have things that need using up…then I have a “concoction” for dinner.
I just wrote a post about how bad I am at meal prep! I tried a few different services and they just did not work for me. I definitely prefer a simpler approach like you outlined. Pick a protein, carb, easy veggie and done. I tend to buy a bit more meat than we need for dinner, and my husband has the leftovers for lunch (he works from home). Simpler is better in my kitchen!