{goals} Word of year recap and new word for 2019

Before I start the recap, let’s have a quick walk down memory lane and look at my previous words:

2009 – simplicity
2010 – consolidate
2011 – courage
2012 – create
2013 – trust
2014 – shine
2015 – enough
2016 – joy
2017 – give
2018 – fun

My 2018 word was exactly what I needed coming off a year of giving.

I had a great year just by asking myself, “what sounds like fun?

Your mileage will vary, of course, but reaching a stretch savings goal for me is fun. Fun was also signing up and completing two courses, starting a kids’ book club, and re-reading books I loved. I had never been much of a re-reader of fiction before this but I’m looking forward to now taking that forward in my reading life.

Fun meant saying yes to Zumbathons even though it would inconvenience me and eat into my schedule. Fun also meant saying no to dancing in a Spanish show at an already very stressful time of the year for me at work.
Fun meant scheduling regular friend dates and not depending on connecting on the fly.
Fun also meant constantly evaluating what no longer worked, and letting that go. E.g. when I realised I was always bypassing a particular podcast, I simply unsubscribed as it was no longer fun.

When I thought about my 2019 word, I had the word YES in my mind from October. But suddenly as December approached, I felt like I needed to think about the word some more. I wanted to add something about caring for my body, marriage, relationships, etc. so I thought the word might be TEND.

And then I was 98% certain the word was CULTIVATE.

I did all my goal-setting prep work with the word CULTIVATE in mind until I listened to the Secret Library podcast with Susannah Conway and about 8 minutes in, she asked, “what do you need to be in 2019?”

And right there as I was tidying up my bathroom, I said, “I need to be bold”. Suddenly, I felt an excitement, a deep resonance, a yes-ness about that word.

That excitement was what was lacking about cultivate for me. It’s a great word but it didn’t excite me.

Bold (from Dictionary.com): not hesitating or fearful in the face of actual or possible danger or rebuff; courageous and daring

I then looked up in my Bible app (YouVersion) some of the scriptures that referenced bold

Proverbs 28:1b …the godly are as bold as lions and
Proverbs 10:10 … a bold reproof promotes peace
2 Cor 3:12 Since this new way gives us such confidence, we can be very bold

Yes! This was my word.

So here’s what bold means to me:
1. I need to be bold again at work, take risks and step out. I’m now the longest in tenure in my position in our section and I’ll admit that I sometimes feel a bit stale.
2. I need to be more bold in asking for what I want. I’ve been very much about “holding things loosely” so as not to be vulnerable and get hurt, but actually, I want to be more bold with relationships in saying, “this is also what I need”. E.g. I don’t want shallow, superficial friendships. I want reciprocal friendships where we have fun, yes, but we are also vulnerable and can share our hearts.
3. I want to be bold and take care of my body the way I know I need to – eat better, drink enough water, move more. This is honestly the only area of my life where I’m this undisciplined!
4. I also want to be bold in speaking what is right in situations. That is who I am but in “speaking the truth in love” and “being gentle”, I’ve gotten too soft. Understanding my enneagram number this year has opened my eyes that this is how God made me to be and there is actually nothing wrong with being me.
5. And last but not least, I have totally wigged out on being bold with this part of my life – coaching, speaking, and workshops. I sort of let it be known accidentally that I do this but I don’t boldly market myself even though I know I am good at helping people in this way. An Instagram organising friend said she didn’t even know half the things I do because I never talk about them – it’s true. So even if my marketing efforts fail, this year at least, I’m determined to be persistent and keep being bold about these gifts I’ve been given to serve the world. Please hold me accountable because this is the area I’m most likely to slack on.

So bold is my word, and I’ve chosen tend and yes as supporting words.

Tell me, how did your 2018 word play out for you, and what is your 2019 word of the year? I can’t wait to hear!

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  1. Yay for finding the right word – and great supporting words – for you. I haven’t actually given much thought to having a word this year, especially as last years went flying out the window, so much so I can’t even remember what it was 0_o On reflecting on last year, I have been aware that I’ve been very bad at speaking up for myself, kinda just floating with things and disengaging instead of just saying my piece, so I want to get better at that. Maybe a word will come to me soon.

    • Marcia Francois says

      Thanks for your openness, Cassey. Has your word floated to you yet? Susannah Conway has a course called Find your word (free) which I highly recommend.

      A suggestion – keep your word visible (I use mine in part of my passwords to help me remember) and as a screensaver on my phone and laptop.

  2. I love the evolution of your word choice! I am not typically a word of the year person (guess that’s the questioner in me) but I love hearing others’ choices!

    • Marcia Francois says

      It’s so interesting, Beth – I can actually remember why I chose each word based on life stage 🙂

  3. FAITH

    • Marcia Francois says

      that’s a great word, Jill. What kind of faith and how is it going for you nearly 3 months in?

      PS this comment didn’t come through to my email for some reason – sorry for the very late reply!

  4. Green

    • Marcia Francois says

      that sounds interesting, Kim. Why did you choose the word “green”?

      PS this comment didn’t come through to my email for some reason – sorry for the very late reply!

      • I chose it to be more mindful of the environment, myself and others around me while also giving myself permission to try more things.

  5. Howdy supeb blog! Does running a blog like this require a massive amount work?

    I’ve no knowledge of prpgramming however I had been hoping
    to start my own blog in the near future. Anyway, if youu have any suggestions oor tips for nnew blog owners please share.
    I understand ths is off subject but I simply wanted to ask.
    Manny thanks!


  1. […] If you haven’t read my post where I announced my word and why I chose it, here is that post. […]

  2. […] I’ve learned that boldness can increase the more you practise. My word of the year is BOLD because I suspected that if I wanted to run 5 workshops this year, I’d need boldness to put […]

  3. […] My word for 2019 was bold and it was a fantastic word for me. It guided me, stretched me, pushed me out of my comfort zones and , forced me to have courage to do uncomfortable things. Here’s why I chose the word, bold. […]

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