At the risk of stating the extreme obvious, 2020 was not an easy year for many of us.
As I was contemplating a word for 2021, nothing came to mind. Literally nothing.
I got busy tidying, decluttering and sorting papers as I do at the end of every year, and I found a printable from a course I did – one of those word cloud things.
A word jumped out at me – PLAYFUL.
And immediately I knew my word of the year was PLAY.
I’m not a naturally playful person and I feel that this word will help me not only have fun again but also be more playful in spirit. I considered having fun as my word again but I like to choose new words every year, at least for now.
Why play?
- I love that it’s a verb which means I need to take action to make it happen.
- I want to do some fun projects – I’ve already identified Superhero Photo, a course I did 9 years ago. I found all the emails the other day and they brought me such joy that I can’t wait to play along again. I’m an upholder so I will happily and successfully complete a project like this all on my own. And bonus – I get to play with my big camera again.
- I also noticed that when I participate in Instagram challenges purely focussed on creativity and the actual photos instead of what the grid is supposed to look like or not, and your engagement levels, etc. (none of which I pay attention to but that inner critic is always reminding me of the shoulds), I’m so happy. I take pleasure in posting a picture of the day. If it ties in remotely to what’s happening in my life, I might write a sentence or two otherwise, just posting is so freeing.
- I want to design and write a new workshop on personalities which definitely feels like play to me.
- I’d also like everything to feel more like play than work – so to infuse a sense of play into things. How can I make this more playful? more fun? E.g. reading never feels like work but I do sometimes think, “hmm, I need to read a few more non-fiction books” and this year, I want everything to feel more playful.
So how am I going to keep this top of mind?
I make a folder on my computer every year called Marcia’s favourites. A few weeks ago I spent a few hours while listening to a book scrolling through about 5 years of my favourite photos. Some are favourites because the landscape or scenery is breathtaking. But many are favourites because of everyday delights, like the way the light reflected off something, or a beautiful flower or item found in an unexpected place, etc.
I then copied the photos that felt playful to me into a new folder called play, and I’ve made a collage which I printed and put in front of me on the wall in front of my desk to remind me daily of my word.
In previous years, I have had jewellery made like a ring or a necklace. Some of these items have been passed on, like the TRUST necklace that I passed onto a friend going through a divorce. I might still do this because I love wearing a reminder and it prompts conversation which is always nice.
I also recommend making an image with your word and saving it as your lock screen on your phone so you see it hundreds of times every day.
What is your word for 2021? How will you remind yourself of your word to keep it top of mind?
Can you believe this is year 13 of choosing a word?! Here is a full list of all my words over the years:
- 2009 – simplify
- 2010 – consolidate
- 2011 – courage
- 2012 – create
- 2013 – trust
- 2014 – shine
- 2015 – enough
- 2016 – joy
- 2017 – give
- 2018 – fun
- 2019 – bold
- 2020 – light
- 2021 – play
[…] fitness, house/ finances, work (day job) and OrganisingQueen (night job – ha!) and play/ fun (my word of the year). Any of my planning (even for this blog post!) starts with a […]