We have only 3 weeks left of autumn in Johannesburg (but who’s counting?!) and I’m only now thinking about changing around my clothes.
There are two reasons for that:
- the weather is still not consistently cold
- we’re still working from home so instead of wearing a short-sleeved t-shirt with my jeans, I now occasionally wear a long-sleeved one
If you’re lucky to have a big enough wardrobe, that’s great, and you probably don’t even need to swop your clothes around.
I don’t have a big wardrobe as you can see… and we do have a definite winter in South Africa even if it’s a short one, so I need to swop things around.
In one of our first houses, I used one of the wardrobes in the guest bedroom (this was before kids) for my out-of-season clothes.
Here’s how I do the seasonal swop:
- I put all the hanging clothes on the bed and bring the ones I want to wear into that space.
- I then pack away all my summer sweatshirts and replace with my polar fleece ones for winter.
- Same with scarves – the lighter ones get packed away and I get out all the woolen ones (I’m sure I love winter for the clothes and the trees!)
- I move all the bags I love to be more accessible (I have an olive green bag that I love wearing in these cooler seasons).
While I’m working through this entire process, I “joy check” (a delightful term I found following some Konmari consultants on Instagram) and set aside any items I don’t LOVE wearing or using. I will donate some, ask my mother if she wants some (bags and scarves mostly) and now that Kendra is so tall, I think she will want that striped green sweatshirt. Interestingly, I remember wearing it when they were newborns so it’s held up for 12 years.
In my chest of drawers I also swop around the two drawers with short – and long-sleeved t-shirts. Why would I not take 5 minutes to do it now instead of having to bend a bit lower on a daily basis? That’s a great example of tolerations I spoke about last week.
Is it time to swop your clothes around? Even if you don’t need to do a complete swop, look around and see if you can make a few small changes to bring more joy to your clothing storage and usage?
And tag me @OrganisingQueen if you post some pics. I love to see!

[…] house goals – organising your clothes […]