I know I’m not the only one who is truly shocked that half the year has already elapsed.
If you don’t currently do a half-year review, I’d like to encourage you to at least think about how the first six months of 2022 have gone.
What went well? What worked?
You can think about both big things like relationships and small things like “I now do a Zumba class on a Wednesday evening instead of on a Tuesday, and that works really well for my schedule”
What didn’t go well? What’s not working?
Same story here. Maybe you tried to get a new job and didn’t get it? That’s possibly a bad example because I think any action is good as you’ve learned something from it.
Don’t dwell on the outcome but do acknowledge it.
What energised you?
Think about the things that brought you joy and gave you energy. Was it getting together with people? Was it the removal of the mask mandate? (fact- this gave me personally more anxiety but I heard from some friends that I’m an outlier) Was it hosting a party?
How is your word of the year working/ not working for you, and why?
Do you even remember the word you chose for 2022? If you do, great! Is that word still working for you? Why? How have you tried to live it during these last 6 months?
If your word is not working for you, for whatever the reason, consider this your big permission slip to change your word. Here’s how to choose a word of the year.
Are you doing any other annual projects? How are those going?
Maybe you’re doing a reading challenge? I’m doing Project Upgrade and trying journalling for the first time.
I hope that’s enough to prompt your thinking for now. I plan to write a newsletter later this week where I will share my half-year review. If you’re not on the list yet, here’s the link to sign up.

[…] last week’s post on how to do a half-year review, I have now finished my own half-year review. Let’s break this down with some concrete […]