This month I thought I’d give you an update on my 23 goals in 2023 and talk about a project I am letting go.
I think a good goals list has a mix of things you can do quickly, things that are a bit of a stretch and things that you need to continually do.
My 23 in 2023 list is exactly this and while I was only able to cross one thing off in January (7. Listen to one month of Let’s Read the Gospels podcast), I crossed off three in Feb and let one go.
This month’s wins
- I applied for and received my passport all in the same month. I’d heard that it takes 6 – 8 weeks but I received a text message 5 days later, which is beyond excellent.
- I have also now figured out a good laundry schedule (it is helped greatly when the sun shines!) and tested it for a whole extra month.
- I have also set up deep cleaning days and a schedule for what happens then. I booked an extra cleaning day! While it feels luxurious, I realised that I really like a clean house and I’d rather go without other things to have this extra help in place.
Solar is not yet installed but I have followed-up; they have my application and I am on the waiting list. So exciting with us on stage 6 loadshedding.

What about that project I abandoned?
I had on my list to do #Gooutside23in2023 80% of the time.
Did you know that I hate being outside? The only time I like it is in winter, autumn when it’s cold, straight after it rains and when I’m at the beach. My body does not like the sun (heat headaches mentioned above) and mosquitoes love me. As I type this, I have mosquito welts all over my body from the days of heat we’ve been having.
So why would I put something like this on my list? Because I got caught up in New Year madness, that’s why.
I would love to be a person who likes being outdoors but I’m very much indoorsy.
However, I calculated that 3 days in office every week plus Zumba on Saturdays and church on Sundays equals 5 out of 7 days I get out of the house. 71% of the time will just have to do… and I’m no longer tracking it.
Do you need to abandon a project? Not that you need it, but here is your permission slip.
What were the month’s hits and misses for you in February?

[…] Many of us set out at the end of 2022/ beginning of 2023 with a brand new set of goals and intentions that seemed easy at the time because we were hyped up on New Year Energy. I am the same as you! I conveniently forgot that I’m not an outside person and told myself I could go outside almost daily for 23 minutes in 2023. Here’s where I let that notion go. […]