It is now the part of the year I love – reflection time! I may decide to post twice a week to get through, or I may decide to write the very abbreviated version of the annual reflection here, and properly do it in my workbooks; we’ll see!
I don’t think I ever posted the full list of 24 in 2024 goals. I actually have two lists and this I did tell you about.
quarterly goals update after Q1
And now here we are, with the year practically over.
The statistics
- I set 24 goals on the main list, abandoned one item and finished 21 out of the 23 which is 91% done.
- On list 2, I set 23 goals and finished 16, which is 70%.
- Not mentioned but done with 100% compliance to medical professionals – breast cancer, surgery and treatments – so I think I did great this year on the things that mattered.
- My relationships are worse in some areas but I have to keep reminding myself that it takes two people to keep things alive. Not everything in the world is my responsibility.
What worked?
- Having once-off items sprinkled into the list amidst project-based goals
- Having an open mindset so that upholder tightening didn’t set in
- Getting big things done early
- Building review time into every month’s rhythms
- Abandoning some things that were just not going to happen
How do I feel?
- After the breast cancer diagnosis, I considered abandoning everything but I found I needed a few things to work on and look forward to, like reading, exercise and writing. This turned out to be a great plan because many times, it felt like I was deep in the weeds and it helped me to have other things to focus on.
- I will again make a 25 in 2025 list but there are a few things that are on there every year that I need to now admit are never going to happen, like weekends away with friends. I have a way higher likelihood of just doing my own thing. I think I have finally admitted that to myself.
- I will, however, continue to set goals on the things that bring me joy, like creating, connecting and moving my body.
How did your 24 in 2024 list go?