When people tell me they don’t like to read non-fiction, I get what they mean with business-y or other types of non-fiction.
But I do feel like there’s a beautiful segment of non-fiction that is very overlooked, and that is the memoir.
3 reasons to try a memoir
- A good memoir reads like a story, especially if told well, and if you generally read only fiction, this is an easy way to access a genre you usually don’t read in a fun way.
- Good memoirs usually have an interesting story and you don’t need to know anything about the author’s life to enjoy it.
- If you don’t have a lot of time, get a book on audible, preferably read by the author.
5 favourite memoirs I heartily recommend, especially if you listen on audio
- Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother – Amy Chua
- Stories I only tell my friends – Rob Lowe (you don’t need to be a fan – I wasn’t!)
- Born a Crime – Trevor Noah
Then there’s a subgenre of memoir that I love – it’s one where there’s a project for a certain length of time – and the author then writes a book about it.
3 of my favourite project memoirs are:
The Happiness Project – Gretchen Rubin (I’ve read this one twice and enjoyed it even more 6 years later)
The Year of Living Danishly – Helen Russell
Year of No Sugar – Eve O Schaub
Do you read memoir? What were some of your favourites?
And now, onto my reads for August.
I decided to only read books I wanted to seeing as it was my birthday month and my word of the year is FUN, and it was indeed a lovely, lovely reading month.
Interestingly, when I took photos for Instagram on Tuesday, I noticed that I read 5 non-fiction and only 4 fiction. I have to give a shout-out to The Year of Less, which is exactly the kind of project-based memoir I love. Those 5 non-fiction reads pushed me over my non-fiction reading goal for the year, which was 24. I’ve now read 27 non-fiction this year.
I’m still thinking through all the insights but I will add that I had $55 worth of stuff in a shopping cart, and after finishing this book, I clicked the X and told myself I don’t actually NEED any of those things. YAY Cait Flanders 🙂
My favourite fiction read was The Good House by Ann Leary. I did ask in the book club if people were interested, and there was no reply, so I read it on my own. And now I’m sorry I didn’t push a bit more because this would have made an excellent book club read. So many things to discuss.
What were some great books you read in August?