When people hear that I work full-time, am married, have twins and coach time management part-time, they often ask me how I get it all done.
First I laugh and then I realise that it’s a serious question.
The short answer is that I don’t.
Yes, I do a lot but the bigger question is what I don’t get done.
Let me explain and also help you to get it “all” done:
- Get very clear on your life’s purpose
I have a life mission typed out and I know my definition of success in life.
I also know my values. A quick secret – one of those values is not to have the laundry perfectly done (I don’t ever do ironing!), but it is to take action and just get the clothes clean.
Are you clear on your life purpose?
- Make friends with “good enough”
It’s better to have something done than to have it perfect.
If you’re cringing at that sentence, know that I used to be you. That was until I realized that trying to get the last 20% of any project perfect usually takes more time than the previous 80%.
E.g. If we were to make a picture collage, it would take just a few minutes to select photos and group them in a collage. The playing around to get the best configuration with the best background and font, and so on takes 3 – 5 times longer than just creating the initial collage. If you organize a space, decluttering and arranging the zones takes less time than all the faffing afterwards to make it “Pinterest-perfect”.
There is a time and place for prettying something up – maybe for your children’s birthday party but for general sending out of occasional photos to family or just tidying your desk, that level of extreme detail is not necessary.
Do you know when 80% is enough in your life, or are you still stuck on being perfect?
- Make a To Not Do list
We all know there are 24 hours in a day and there is not enough time to do everything.
It’s far more important these days to know which things to leave on the To Not Do list.
- In my business, I do only things that need my “essence” and delegate the rest to my virtual assistant.
- In my personal life, it’s important for me to cook from scratch but it’s not important for me to peel and chop all the vegetables myself.
Can you see the difference?
- Decide where you want to use your time and don’t feel guilty about it
Be intentional about your time usage. If reading is your thing like it is with me, then don’t feel guilty about cuddling up with a book and a mug of tea every day for an hour after supper.
If you scroll Instagram to unwind, then be conscious that you’re doing that and own it. Admit that you want to scroll Instagram for an hour every evening, and enjoy it.
Don’t feel guilty about the time but know why you’re doing it.
Of course I do procrastinate sometimes by too much time on blogs or Instagram but since I generally get things done, occasionally if I slip up, I don’t beat myself up about it.
How about you?
Where do you want to be spending your time and why? Are you intentional about it?
- Take consistent action
Unfortunately getting things done is not going to just happen unless you take consistent action.
Whether it’s moving forward with a big leap or lots of little leaps, I try to take some action every day.
I’m fairly good at constantly reviewing where I am in relation to my goals weekly and monthly.
Do you take enough regular action?
To end off, let me leave you with one of my favourite quotes:
Besides the noble art of getting things done, there is the noble art of leaving things undone. The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of non-essentials.
-Lin Yutang
I’m curious.