Six questions for your half-yearly life review

I do a monthly goals review every month before I set goals for the new month ahead.

I find that it helps me take stock of what went well and why, and what I need to work on.

I like to think that if I’m 4 months into the year, then technically I should be a third of the way through my goals.

Well, I know it’s not that simple or straightforward but it helps to have something to aim towards.

We’re nearly half way through the year and my question to you is this – are you on track with your goals?

For me, I’ve done 14 out of 18 business goals (that darn blog makeover is driving me nuts!) and 24 out of 31 personal goals. Some of those 24 are work-in-progress, like I have a monthly goal of keeping up with the kids’ photos by posting to their blog ( at least 10 times, but I’ve done so every month thus far.

For now, go through these questions with me and answer them honestly. I’ll give you some examples of a typical monthly review below the questions.

The answers were true for me a year ago

Half-yearly Review

1. When I think about the last month, what do I feel? Am I excited, disappointed or apathetic about my progress?

I feel mostly excited like I’m making good progress but I still feel like I’m not moving fast enough.

2. Which areas of my life are working well, which are neutral and which are not doing so well?

Well – Family, Fun, Personal, Friendship
Neutral – Work (day job) and Business
Not so well – Health and Fitness

3. Why? Or why not?

I’m excited by our family goals – we’re ahead of where we wanted to be – but a little bit disappointed by my business goals. My income is not where I wanted it to be and my book is taking longer than I’d like to be totally done. However, I have great clients and I’ve had two media interviews over the last few months.

I’m doing really great in the personal areas – I have plenty of “me” time to create, read, play with my camera and chase the kids around the garden – and to invest in my friendships.

4. What do I need to let go of or are there places I need to lower my expectations of myself?

I need to let go of unrealistic expectations about getting my book out in print faster.

I also need to let go of focussing on the numbers so much and just focus on the joy.

5. What can I do differently to make sure the next four months move me closer to my goals?

Do something every day, no matter how small, to move me towards that book being out and successful.

Stop comparing myself to others!

And a bonus question…

6. How am I living out my word of the year?

I’m doing great on this aspect. I’m really living intentionally and creating memories, fun times, and also enjoying the process of living creatively.

Over to you.

My challenge to you is to answer these 6 questions honestly and then make some consistent changes.

PS I love that the book is done even though it was bugging me so much just over a year ago 🙂

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