One in, one out is a famous organising concept. It makes sense too in that for every one thing you bring into your house, you let go of one thing.
That only works if your house was streamlined to start off with and you’re very diligent applying this concept throughout your home, even with kids!
As I wrote a few weeks ago, I really like the idea of one in, more than one out just to try and keep on top of the stuff.
But let’s talk about where we could practically apply this concept:
- Time
Every time you add one more thing to your plate, unless that plate was very empty to start off with, think about what you can eliminate.
E.g. if you sign up for a new committee and it meets once a week, will your exercise routine suffer?

2. Money
If you get an increase or a bonus, think about where you can be generous. Can you increase your giving at church? Can you sponsor a child through World Vision or Compassion International? Can you pay more money into your retirement savings or unit trusts?
Something fun to try – even if you need all your increase just to keep up with inflation, just buy a bag of rice or pasta every shopping trip and give it to someone once you’re outside the store, or pop into the donation boxes I see in many stores. Recently Dischem (a pharmacy franchise in South Africa) had a big donation box for sanitary pads. The cashiers asked as I was paying for my toiletries if I’d like to pay for a pack for the box. Of course I said yes. It was so easy for me and yet adds up to a whole bunch of goodness when donated to a school.
3. Digital files
It’s so easy to download freebie printable after freebie printable. I understand – I myself offer about 7 freebies when you sign up to my mailing list. But… for each thing you download, ask yourself if you use it? Or if you’re not sure yet, download, and then delete something else you know you’re not using.
It may help to have a folder called “freebie printables” so you can see them all together in one place.
When you download a new app, see if there’s another you’re not using and can delete.

4. Photos
We all take too many photos because it’s so easy on our smartphones. I therefore recommend the Daily Delete, which Becky Higgins made famous.
Every night, go through that day’s photos and delete, delete, delete. You don’t need 30 photos of the same event unless you captured 30 different things.
If you don’t have a chance to do this every night, then play a game with yourself and every time you wait for the kettle to boil, see if you can delete 10 pics.
5. Stuff
This is the most obvious part. Definitely get yourself trained to look through your stuff after each shopping trip. When I buy new T-shirts, I train myself to “joy check” the rest of them to see which I can donate. Sometimes I don’t want to donate a t-shirt, but I do see something else that can go, so out it goes.
I actually go so far as to leave my new things on the bench at the foot of my bed until I decide what will leave, because I simply never want to live an overstuffed life.
Which of these is easy for you? Which will need more thought? Do share your tips in the comments so I can learn from you.