When I was listening to the book, I realised something really cool about coaching the Four Tendencies:
I’m an Upholder. I have coached other Upholders but usually only for laser coaching where the person was clear about what they wanted to do and just needed strategies and guidance on getting there. Here’s the thing – they didn’t need the weekly accountability part of coaching because they already respond very well to their own inner and others’ outer expectations.
I have never coached a Rebel. At least I don’t think so. If you’re a Rebel and I’ve coached you, let me know – I’m so curious. That’s because Rebels do whatever the heck they want IF they want to do it.
I have coached quite a few Questioners and these people are usually the ones who really like me to ask clarifying questions and make them think about why they want to do something, be a particular way, etc. They like being challenged in their thinking. They like the intentions-based, values type of coaching because it satisfies the WHY they already always ask.
The bulk of the people I’ve worked with over the years though have been Obligers. This is kind of obvious when you read/ listen to the book because Obligers readily respond to external accountability and they need other people to make them accountable to get things done. That is exactly what I, as their coach, would provide, especially with the weekly accountability.
If you haven’t yet taken the free Four Tendencies quiz, you’re missing out.
And best of all for me, when someone now approaches me for coaching, I can have them take the quiz and they will then decide which type of coaching is best for them. Isn’t that cool?
I’m counting on everybody reading to take the quiz and let me know 🙂