{Mission} Top 20 recipes

Late last year I went through my recipe flipfiles which, by the way, have greatly reduced over the years.

You can have the most organised recipes but if you’re not using them, they’re clutter.


I was even more brutal than I normally am (must be able to cook within 30 minutes) and tossed out LOTS that I am even more certain I’ll never make due to vast amounts of fat or sugar, or ingredients I’m probably not going to get, just for a recipe.

Some of my “rules”:

  1. I won’t cook anything that calls for more than a cup of sugar. If the measurement is close (1 and a third, or 1 and a half), I’ll just do 1.
  2. I never cook anything with more than half a cup of butter.
  3. quick for weeknight suppers

I now have a nicely organised flipfile of our family’s current favourite 20 or so recipes. Some of them are even in my virtual recipe book. Some of the recipes have had to be tossed because there’s really no point in making things the kids don’t eat. I have fantastic eaters so if someone really doesn’t enjoy fruit in their food, it’s not a big deal (pineapple chicken, apricot chicken, etc.) 🙂

Of course, all that organising triggered some forgotten memories so I checked the pantry and freezer, and then added some things to the shopping list (one meal every week because I’m actually trying to keep to the grocery budget) and so we’ve had some nice “new” meals too.

Do you keep a recipe file or do you know your family’s favourites so well you never need a reminder?

This weekend, I’d like to challenge you to go through your recipes and try and toss the ones you know you’re never going to make.

Bonus points if you go through your Pinterest recipes too 🙂

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