Workplace Wednesday | use pretty stationery

Pretty notebooks |

I have this thing with work stationery.

You see, I don’t like “boring” stationery so I buy my own nice pens, highlighters and most importantly, notebooks.

And, as you can see in the photo above, I also jazz up my binder clips 🙂 Here is the tutorial. (Very useful to keep hands busy when you’re on the phone – I actually keep two rolls of washi tape in my stationery drawer at work)

I feel like we’re at work more than 8 hours a day so I want to surround myself with happy things.

My notebooks always get positive comments and most of all, it makes me really happy to write in pretty things.

What about you? Does your stationery make you happy?

If not, maybe you need to take a pretty notebook to work and buy yourself a Pentel pen 🙂

PS I bought this notebook when I visited the UK 7 years ago, so it made me extra happy when I remembered that shopping trip to Sainsbury’s with our friend, Shereen.

What’s your preferred working style?

I have a huge project at work getting to the point of implementation.

This is the best part of anything for me – the getting it done stage. However, it also means that it’s the busiest time and so it’s really easy to get to that uncontrollable stage.

The one where you feel like there’s way too much to do and not enough time.

Normally, this would not bother me because I have a ginormous master to-do list and I pull things off of there in terms of priority.

But when there’s a long weekend looming ahead (like there was last week) I just know I won’t be able to fully relax unless I make a sizeable dent in the to-do items.


My preferred working style is to work until done or until I’m no longer effective (!) but I’ve discovered that it’s a pure luxury to work like this these days.

You see, I have to leave at a certain time to get home so the nanny can leave.

Last week I asked my husband if he could get home for the nanny so I could work late.

Well, that extra hour made all the difference.

It sounds strange to say this but it was bliss working til I was done.

That hour was a gift of time.

I’ve since decided that I’m going to give myself the gift of {working until done} once every two weeks or so.

What small thing could you do to ease the pressure in your life just a bit?

What’s your preferred working style?

If you need some help, book a Success Strategy Session with me.

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