Long-time readers of my blog will know I love Gretchen Rubin’s work.
I loved reading The Happiness Project and while I didn’t enjoy Happier at Home
as much, it was still worth the read.
It just so happens that she’s got a book about habits coming out tomorrow and wait for this – the cool thing is that writing about the 4 tendencies has been on my editorial calendar since the beginning of the month, and I just checked Amazon to look for a picture and I see it’s releasing tomorrow. Too cool.
This book is about habits and how to create ones that work, and the loopholes we use to get out of good habits. I personally can’t wait to read it and I’m wondering if I should just get the audible version and listen to it on my way to and from work. That is a topic for another post – my foray into audio books …
Anyway, the real point of this blog post is that Gretchen’s been blogging about a theory she calls the 4 tendencies for months and months, maybe even longer than a year.
I’m firmly in the camp of finding out your MBTI profile, your love language, and any other sort of style going around 🙂 so when she first came out with these things, I tried to find my tendency.
I thought I leaned one particular way and it was indeed confirmed when I took the test two months ago.
I am an Upholder.
It’s all about how you respond to expectations – both inner and outer. I find this FASCINATING (and so true) and I would love to know if you’re an obliger, an upholder, a rebel or a questioner.
I don’t want to spoil it for you, so go read Gretchen’s post and take the free quiz to find your tendency. 70 000 people have already taken the quiz.
When you’re done, please come back and tell me what you are.
Did your tendency resonate with you?
PS The links to the books are affiliate links. You won’t pay any more than you will going directly to Amazon but I’ll get a few cents per book if you buy through my link. Thank you for supporting this site.
PPS Please spread the word about Help! I need more time. It starts next Monday and if it’s not for you, I guarantee you have a friend who needs this. Thank you!
Edited to add:
I just saw Laura Vanderkam posted about this too. She shared an interesting thought in her post about Upholders, since Gretchen is one, Laura is one and as I said above, I am one. Apparently, so is everyone who writes about goal setting, time management, habits, and the like.

I am a Questioner. It does resonate with me. All that over-thinking makes sense. I am DEFINITELY a questioner.
Finally – a reason for all the overthinking! AWESOME!!! I’m so glad you took the quiz!