Here we stand at the start of a new, fresh, shiny quarter. If 2021 didn’t start as you wanted, you can let the first quarter go with all the expectations you had for it and just dive into this new quarter.
I spoke before about how and why I love quarterly planning.
Last quarter (Jan – March) I did my quarterly planning but I kept it in my bullet journal. That was…okay, but more inconvenient as I kept having to flip back and forth in the bullet journal to find my list.
This time I decided to write out my list as I did last year but I would then stick it up on the cupboard door in my study (where I now spend 90% of my time!) so I can see it all the time and take action.
And that’s exactly what I did.
Some things I want to do this quarter:
- play more (I’m doing Superhero Photo again – it’s a photo course I did about 8 years ago – I saved the emails and am working through them again)
- plan next quarter’s holiday and hopefully a mini-break at the end of the month as it’s our anniversary
- get some inexpensive but effective stuff done in the house (paint my downstairs)
- do some once-off coaching sessions (see more below)
- see more friends than I did last quarter
Now over to you.
What went well last quarter? Can you replicate it again this quarter? What did you specifically do or which things were in place helping you have that success?
What do you want to do differently this quarter? Are you using your tendency to help you get those things done? If you’re not sure how, book your 75-minute Four Tendencies coaching session with me for $75. If you’ve come on one of my workshops, you get $20 off. Paypal me and let’s get your session scheduled. I can’t wait to coach you.

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