Are you still working from home?
A friend said the other day that her house has become the place she works, the place she relaxes, the place she goes to have restaurant food, and also the place she has holidays.
It’s so true for most of us which is why I like to feel that my weekends have a sense of being different to the weekdays.
During the week, I work a full day and then usually go to Zumba one weeknight evening. I also went to Barre last night for the first time since 10 March 2020. That class is now regular so I’ll continue to go. Other than that, I cook, read and write/ coach at night.
On a Friday night, I pack away my work notebook and laptop completely (charger cables and mouse too!) so that my bright yellow desk is ready for FUN things like playing with photos.
My weekends are very unstructured – I like to have a weekend to-do list with just a few anchor events (kids’ swimming and Zumba!) and lots of space for my own things.
I usually have some things to do around the house, some things in the study and some things to relax. You can read a more detailed account of my weekend planning here.
Why is this different? I have a very structured weekday routine so to have almost nothing planned on the weekend is bliss. I organise my holidays the same way!
I would also rather work late one or two nights than to pull out that laptop on a weekend. It feels more restorative to me to have zero work on the weekend so my head is clear.
Let’s talk about you.
What do your weekdays feel like? Can you build more of the opposite into your weekend so it feels different?
Maybe you work all alone during the week and on the weekend you want to connect with friends and family?
Try playing intentionally with your routines to make these pandemic times feel a little more normal.
How would you like your weekends to feel? Which elements would make them more ideal?